Digital Literacy: How can Parents be Prepared

Are you worried about technologies impact on your children's development Apprehension about kids and technology is nothing new. Years ago, when it was first introduced, cable television was considered to be a serious risk to the healthy development of children. Today we don’t think twice about it. Closed-mindedness or even fear about new technology holds [...]

Immunity During the Coronavirus and Beyond

Here is How to Boost Your Immunity during the Coronavirus Increasing your immunity during the Crononavirus seems like a daunting task. It seems like there are a million things we can’t control, one of the things we can influence is our health, resilience, and well-being. While these tips will not guarantee you won’t get sick, [...]

Could your child be on the Autism Spectrum?

Do you think your child may be on the Autism spectrum? Does that sound worrisome to actually hear your child may have Autism? You may have been to a parent teacher conference and the teacher mentions that your child has odd behaviors or a certain type of “Quirkiness” which makes them unique. Having Autism is [...]

Why is Familial Support Important for Transgender Youth?

Gender identity and expression are key elements to the way a child or teen perceives themselves and the world around them. For transgender children and teens, acceptance and support from family is essential. Research has shown that support from family can reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse in trans children and teens. [...]

Eight Reasons Why You Should Go To Therapy

When it feels like life has become unmanageable and you are powerless to make any meaningful changes in your life it may be time to seek therapy. Therapy is a great way to get in touch with your feelings and your authentic self. When your life is out of control, therapy can be the way [...]

Putting an End to Procrastination (no, don’t do it tomorrow)

Procrastination is a common issue. A myth about procrastination is that the procrastinator is just being lazy. Procrastination typically results from avoiding discomfort in our lives or avoiding difficult emotions or stress. One important step towards addressing procrastination is asking yourself what you think and feel about a task or chore you are avoiding. Here [...]

Raising a Child: How to Achieve Success

If only there was a specific step by step guide that could help you along the way in raising a child. Well, why not? There's a manual for everything else out there, and if not, you could always look it up online, right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. However, there are two key factors that [...]

Protecting our Children : Learn the Survival Signals

The book Protecting the Gift Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane), is by author Gavin De Becker. It is a follow-up to his prior book The Gift of Fear. In that book, De Becker told adults how to keep themselves safe in today’s world. This newer book is addressed to parents and offers [...]

Parenting a Child with Intense Emotions

Introduction Pat Harvey and Jeanine Penzo, both licensed clinical social workers, have a book called Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions. It’s a book that I have been enthusiastically recommending to parents who are confronting this difficulty. The book teaches Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, established by Marsha Linehan for treating adults. These skills help [...]

Reconnect with Yourself: Disconnect from Media

As a licensed professional counselor, I have observed increases in clients reporting anxiety, with some reporting higher levels of anxiety than they've ever experienced before. You may even notice that those around you are talking more about anxious feelings. Perhaps you've experienced anxiety, or an increase in anxiety, yourself. There are probably a lot of [...]


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