Are you Struggling with Codependency?

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your partner's emotions? Do find you rarely focus on your own needs? Are you unsure where you end & your partner begins? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you are struggling with codependency. Codependency is defined as over-reliance on a person or in layman's terms [...]

Good Grief! Let’s Process Loss

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” -Rumi Yes, it is “good” to process grief, but often in our society we are given messages such as “get over it,” “it’s time to move on,” or “don’t dwell on the past.” These messages minimize the importance of the bereavement process and when grief [...]

Creating Change: What’s the Plan?

Most of us are often thinking about making changes in our lives. Whether big or small, change if often an inevitable part of life itself. When we desire a change, we often want to make that change RIGHT NOW and we want it to be quick and painless. The problem is that with any life [...]

The Answer is ‘No’

“The Answer is No”, subtitled “Saying it and sticking to it” by Cynthia Whitman, MSW, was published in 1994 but is still available at online booksellers. Is the book out-of-date? Well, it doesn’t have anything to say about iPhones, but if you have a child from two to twelve years old and need inspiration and [...]

Parenting Teens: Setting Limits and Boundaries

Parenting a teenager is a time that proves to be difficult for many. Parents face obstacles with their children as they grow older, and let's face it, children don't come with an instruction manual. At some point when children reach the age of 11 or 12, many parents begin to stress over the upcoming and [...]

Keys to Communication

While there are several factors that contribute to a healthy relationship, communication is key to maintaining and strengthening a relationship. Sometimes, we can face turbulence in our relationships when we struggle with stress, mental health disorders, or addiction. Without effective communication, all relationships, whether adults or adolescents, are at risk for conflicts. Maintaining our relationships with our significant others, [...]

Screens and Screams

It's the time of year when some kids are getting ready for some serious time looking at their screens, meaning that they intend to play video games and/or watch Youtube or TV for many hours each day. This leads to much frustration on the part of parents, at times leading to some screaming and yelling at [...]

Back to School Relief – 10 Tips for Parents

10 Quick Back to School Relief Tips For Parents and Kids Summer is coming to a close and even if kids want to forget that school exists, you can’t miss all the ‘School Day Sales’ signs in stores. There are several ways to ease the transition: 1. Talk to your child about going to school. [...]

But Mom, I Don’t Want to Go Back to School

Why do so many kids say they don't want to go back to school? When I talk to kids, why do they all say that lunchtime, recess or seeing friends is their favorite part? And why don't kindergarten kids get a playtime anymore? Play is a child's work. We need to allow children time to [...]


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