Mindful or “Mind full” ?

I'm sure you have heard the word mindful before, especially if you've checked in to read our blogs.. But what does it really mean? Are we being Mind full or Mindful? Is your mind full of clutter? When you are doing 1 task, are you thinking about the other 10 things on your to do [...]

Overcoming Depersonalization

My blog last month mentioned a book entitled Overcoming Depersonalization Disorder by Fugen Neziroglu, Ph.D. and Katharine Donnelly, MA as a good place to start for getting information about coming to grips with depersonalization. Well, it’s time for this month’s blog and this is the book I want to discuss. The Foreword for this book [...]

Depersonalization Feeling Unreal

The book Feeling Unreal, by Daphne Simeon, MD and Jeffrey Abugel, is aptly named, because the word “unreal” is the key word for people suffering from depersonalization. Although depersonalization has been described in the medical literature for move than a hundred years, this book is the most definitive work on the subject and is written [...]

Are you Struggling with Codependency?

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your partner's emotions? Do find you rarely focus on your own needs? Are you unsure where you end & your partner begins? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you are struggling with codependency. Codependency is defined as over-reliance on a person or in layman's terms [...]

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The book Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, The Process and Practice of Mindful Change, Second Edition, by Stephen Hayes, Kirk Strosahl and Kelly Wilson, is a good introduction to a type of therapy developed in the 1980s, which while the authors identified it as a form of behavior therapy, is different from other types of behavior [...]

Substance Use and Defenses

Throughout our lives, we naturally develop defenses to protect ourselves from thoughts, feelings, or experiences that seem uncomfortable. For example, we might deny that an uncomfortable situation is happening because we don't want to face that discomfort. You might think of defenses as rose-colored glasses that we put on so we can try to change [...]

The Anxiety/Stress Management Program

The Anxiety/Stress Management Program and Support Group Offered at Specialized Therapy Associates Everyone worries from time to time, but sometimes anxiety can become all-consuming, inhibiting everyday life. Most of us have experienced anxiety at some point in our lives. It is a normal response to threatening situations. Under certain circumstances, anxiety can actually help us [...]

Surviving Early Recovery: More than just 12-Steps

For many years, 12 step meetings were one of the only additional resources for individual struggling with surviving early recovery from substances outside of individual counseling. Recently, similar programs have formed... 7 step programs, 9 step programs, SMART recovery & Celebrate Recovery, etc. Though AA & NA & similar fellowship programs have proven to be very helpful for some people in [...]

The Stigma of Medication: Don’t Feel Bad about it

The world we live in is obsessed with success and what it means to be successful and the stigma of medication. It is easy to see why some people view a setback or a mistake as a failure. It can be a blow to an individual's ego and self-esteem if they think this way and [...]

Parenting Teens: Setting Limits and Boundaries

Parenting a teenager is a time that proves to be difficult for many. Parents face obstacles with their children as they grow older, and let's face it, children don't come with an instruction manual. At some point when children reach the age of 11 or 12, many parents begin to stress over the upcoming and [...]


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