Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The book Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, The Process and Practice of Mindful Change, Second Edition, by Stephen Hayes, Kirk Strosahl and Kelly Wilson, is a good introduction to a type of therapy developed in the 1980s, which while the authors identified it as a form of behavior therapy, is different from other types of behavior [...]

Creating Change: What’s the Plan?

Most of us are often thinking about making changes in our lives. Whether big or small, change if often an inevitable part of life itself. When we desire a change, we often want to make that change RIGHT NOW and we want it to be quick and painless. The problem is that with any life [...]

Substance Use and Defenses

Throughout our lives, we naturally develop defenses to protect ourselves from thoughts, feelings, or experiences that seem uncomfortable. For example, we might deny that an uncomfortable situation is happening because we don't want to face that discomfort. You might think of defenses as rose-colored glasses that we put on so we can try to change [...]

Physical Health and Relapse Prevention

When we think about addiction and recovery, it is vital to prepare for relapse prevention by minimizing daily stressors and following a solid plan to avoid relapse. Relapse prevention planning also typically includes strategies for avoiding triggers for relapse, including people whom you used to use substances with, places where you used to obtain or use [...]

The Anxiety/Stress Management Program

The Anxiety/Stress Management Program and Support Group Offered at Specialized Therapy Associates Everyone worries from time to time, but sometimes anxiety can become all-consuming, inhibiting everyday life. Most of us have experienced anxiety at some point in our lives. It is a normal response to threatening situations. Under certain circumstances, anxiety can actually help us [...]

The Stigma of Medication: Don’t Feel Bad about it

The world we live in is obsessed with success and what it means to be successful and the stigma of medication. It is easy to see why some people view a setback or a mistake as a failure. It can be a blow to an individual's ego and self-esteem if they think this way and [...]

Mindfulness for Children and Adolescents

Mindfulness has become almost a buzzword in our culture. Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment without judgment. Current research has found that there are practical applications for mindfulness in therapy.  Karen Hooker and Iris Fodor's 2008 article on mindfulness and children provides practical examples for how to teach children mindfulness skills. Children and [...]

Keys to Communication

While there are several factors that contribute to a healthy relationship, communication is key to maintaining and strengthening a relationship. Sometimes, we can face turbulence in our relationships when we struggle with stress, mental health disorders, or addiction. Without effective communication, all relationships, whether adults or adolescents, are at risk for conflicts. Maintaining our relationships with our significant others, [...]

Achieving Your Goals

We often get stuck trying to achieve our goals. We set off with noble intentions. We’ll decide that we’re going to start working out, eating healthy, go back to school, move out, obtain financial security or even just simply learn a new hobby. We see other people toting their successes and achievements and yet somewhere, [...]

Don’t Munch On Feelings: Stop Stress Eating

Don't munch on feelings. Often we munch on feelings when we don't have useful tools to cope with distressful feelings. If you’ve identified yourself as someone who uses food to avoid and soothe a distressful emotion, then you may lack the necessary, non-food-related, tools to cope. Making this change is challenging as food is a [...]


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