Stressed and Overwhelmed

Welcome to September, kids are back in school, summer vacations are over, quarterly work stresses start building, and then your car breaks down. You find you just want to  scream or cry because you are feeling so stressed and overwhelmed. Welcome to life in America where we honor achievement and success even when it is [...]

Anxiety Disorders and related Misconceptions

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in America, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The condition affects 40 million adults in the United States. That’s 18 percent of the U.S. population. Despite this, people with anxiety disorders still live with a stigma often associated with invisible conditions. Many people [...]

Anxiety and stress: Imagined Reality vs Reality

Anxiety and stress can affect how we perceive reality. We all react to our “imagined reality” of a situation, not the “reality” of it. Imagined reality is our perception of something. If you think that people are thinking negatively about you, you react as if they are in fact thinking negatively about you. This is [...]

Avoidance and Procrastination

Avoidance and Procrastination is something a lot of people experience. Have you ever struggled to start something you’ve been avoiding for a long time? Often anxiety is at the root of our procrastination. The act of avoidance initially provides relief to our feelings of anxiety but soon makes the task we are avoiding seem that [...]

Seeking Therapy for the First Time

How do you know when it is time to see a therapist? The general rule of thumb is that it is always better to seek therapy at the first signs of a problem or issue. It is clearly documented that people who seek treatment do so at the latter stages of their disorder. They often [...]


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