Digital Literacy: How can Parents be Prepared

Are you worried about technologies impact on your children's development Apprehension about kids and technology is nothing new. Years ago, when it was first introduced, cable television was considered to be a serious risk to the healthy development of children. Today we don’t think twice about it. Closed-mindedness or even fear about new technology holds [...]

Reach your Goals in 3 Easy Ways: “Eat, Pray, Love”

At the beginning of each new year, many individuals strive to reach their goals and make commitments to change in various areas of their lives.  2020 was no different, especially since we have entered a new decade. You may be looking to make your own commitments whether it's a diet reset, spiritual, or family improvement. [...]

Immunity During the Coronavirus and Beyond

Here is How to Boost Your Immunity during the Coronavirus Increasing your immunity during the Crononavirus seems like a daunting task. It seems like there are a million things we can’t control, one of the things we can influence is our health, resilience, and well-being. While these tips will not guarantee you won’t get sick, [...]

Perfectionism: Beating Anxiety to Focus on Growth

What is perfectionism? Perfectionism is seen as a positive trait that increases our chances for success.  However, people who strive for perfection set impossibly high standards for themselves and use outcomes to determine their self-worth.  When they fail to meet these high standards, they have the tendency to beat themselves up and question their self-esteem.  [...]

Why is Familial Support Important for Transgender Youth?

Gender identity and expression are key elements to the way a child or teen perceives themselves and the world around them. For transgender children and teens, acceptance and support from family is essential. Research has shown that support from family can reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse in trans children and teens. [...]

Eight Reasons Why You Should Go To Therapy

When it feels like life has become unmanageable and you are powerless to make any meaningful changes in your life it may be time to seek therapy. Therapy is a great way to get in touch with your feelings and your authentic self. When your life is out of control, therapy can be the way [...]

Six Strategies for Self-Care this Autumn

As the days grow shorter and cooler temps set in, we can sometimes feel down, and tenser. Factor in the holidays around the corner and it becomes even more important to maintain daily wellness rituals and self-care this autumn. Here are 6 simple ways to honor the season and provide a solid foundation of self-care [...]

Self-Care is Not Selfish

Self-care is not selfish. Being a good person does not mean that you have to say "Yes" to everyone and everything in your life. Being a healthy person means that you put your health and overall wellbeing first. The best gift you can give to your loved ones in making your wellbeing a top priority. [...]

The Benefits of Acceptance to Emotional Health

Sometimes when people try to change the attitude or behaviors of others, they often find themselves in a power struggle. When a loved one is struggling with overwhelming emotions, this can lead to dangerous situations. While acceptance of the limitations of your control over others may be helpful to your emotional state, it can also [...]

What is Integrative Mind-Body Health?

Integrative mind-body health uses a whole-person-centered approach to restore mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It considers environmental and lifestyle factors such as stress, nutrition, social connection, sleep, activity level and more to promote optimal functioning, mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Is one of your goals to live your best life? Do you wonder how to [...]


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