Relationship Warning Label: Jealousy

Jealousy is a negative emotion that can interfere with personal relationships and self-esteem. Learning how to constructively cope with feelings of jealousy can help one feel valued and worthwhile, beyond a showdown of a doubt, with or without love from your partner. Twenty-first century culture depicts jealously as an expression of love mixed with paranoia; [...]

Positive Affirmations: Be Kind to Yourself

Most of us carry around messages we received in childhood about the world, about others, and about ourselves. We receive messages from the outside world--our family members, friends, teachers--all throughout our lives. The messages we receive about ourselves can be positive or negative. The negative messages we receive, even at an early age, can lead [...]

The Verbally Abusive Relationship

When a person is in a verbally abusive relationship, it is important and helpful to have the support of friends. One particular friend in this situation is Patricia Evans, who has written a book that explains what verbal abuse is and how to respond to it in a healthy manner. Her book The Verbally Abusive [...]


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