Money, Happiness and Worry

Money and financial stability are a concern for most people at some time in their lives. Teens and young adults look forward to their first car and paying for an apartment. Parents worry about paying bills and saving for college expenses. Older adults worry about having enough money to enjoy retirement. Overall, about 75% of [...]

Four Ways to Reduce the Physical Sensations of Anger

Anger is an energizing emotion that comes with unpleasant physical sensations. Since anger is a part of our body's natural defense system, these physical sensations help prepare the body to take what are perceived to be life-saving actions. The physical sensations that accompany anger (increased heart rate, increased respiration, tensed muscles, tightness in the jaw, [...]

Why is Familial Support Important for Transgender Youth?

Gender identity and expression are key elements to the way a child or teen perceives themselves and the world around them. For transgender children and teens, acceptance and support from family is essential. Research has shown that support from family can reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse in trans children and teens. [...]

Taking Care of Ourselves

In today's society, people's identities are shaped by how many hours they work or how few days they take off. In this paradigm, we lose sight of what really matters... Taking care of ourselves. We live to work instead of work to live. Now.. take a moment & think to yourself, Why do I usually [...]

Raising a Child: How to Achieve Success

If only there was a specific step by step guide that could help you along the way in raising a child. Well, why not? There's a manual for everything else out there, and if not, you could always look it up online, right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. However, there are two key factors that [...]

How Changing Body Language Can Help Your Mood

Emotions are often felt physiologically. Whenever someone is feeling stress or anxiety, body changes take place such as elevated temperature, increased respiration and, in some cases, nausea. Furthermore, people usually adopt body language that is congruent with their feelings: someone who is anxious is usually taking up little space and displays closed body language. Recent [...]

Removing Toxic People: The Push-Pull

Removing toxic people from your life is sometimes essential in order to live healthier. When their actions are obviously unhealthy that makes it easier to do. But what about the relationships where it’s not always so obvious? Or if they're family so you will always need them in your life in some way? That’s what [...]

Healing from Grief

When most people think of the word "Grief", they associate it with having a loved one pass away. However, what we don't realize is that there are many other times in our life where we can become grief-stricken or experience anticipatory grief without even realizing it.. which makes it very difficult to heal from. For [...]

The Benefits of Acceptance to Emotional Health

Sometimes when people try to change the attitude or behaviors of others, they often find themselves in a power struggle. When a loved one is struggling with overwhelming emotions, this can lead to dangerous situations. While acceptance of the limitations of your control over others may be helpful to your emotional state, it can also [...]

Prioritizing Your Sleep is Crucial for Your Health

Did you know an alarming number of American adults, and children, are walking around sleep deprived? The good news is that taking steps to prioritize sleep and modify your lifestyle can lead to dramatic improvements to your overall health. This affects nearly every system in the body. It is vital for your memory, immune system, [...]


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