Formed under Dr. Vanessa Gourdine, Specialized Therapy Associates (STA) is a group of diverse, experienced and specialized staff of psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and other health professionals. This highly skilled and specialized staff that is continuously trained on the most recent research and developments in the field making STA’s treatment services cutting edge.
Uniquely STA practices a true team approach. Each professional on staff brings a set of specialized training and skills to the team that allows for the full integration of care. We can utilize the team approach to provide individual, group, family and couples treatment under one roof, as well as allowing us to provide the specialized care you require for you and your family’s personal needs and goals. If you feel your family has complex problems involving the children, the spouse, substance abuse or health issues, we can bring together the best professionals on staff to fit your needs and provide all facets of your care. If you require medication and therapy, you can receive the services in a coordinated fashion at one facility where your providers work together to best assist you and unique to Specialized Therapy Associates is the Functional Medicine model providing the integrated mind body care to achieve optimal health. Functional Medicine can minimize or even eliminate the need for medication while achieving optimal mental functioning.

Specialized Therapy Associates also provides a number of program services including: treatment for substance abuse of all types under our Addictions Programs; therapy services for teens by therapists experienced in adolescence under our Adolescent Programs; specialized therapies for children by our psychologists and therapists specifically trained in child development in our Child Services; Academic Coaching and School Performance Services; Social Skills Groups for Girls and Boys, Children of Divorce; and for our adults there are many specialty services that includes: Parenting Skills, Health/Wellness, Chronic Disease Management ( Behavioral health coaching and Functional Medicine to achieve optimal health), Work and Family Workshops, Assertiveness Skills, Relationship Enhancement, Singles Seeking Relationships, Women’s Issues Group, Mindfulness, Resilience and Career services that includes: Employee Assistance, Executive Coaching, Legal Profession Consultation, Corporate and Divorce Mediation Services.
Please note: Career services and workshops are not covered by insurance. Services provided in individual, group and family therapy are covered by insurance. We courteously offer a free insurance verification prior to all services, however you should verify your own insurance as STA cannot guarantee the accuracy of data provided to us by your insurance representative.
There is open enrollment for all group services
There is no time like the present to take action.
For a free consultation with our intake coordinator who will match you to the best provider and service to fit your needs and goals, call 201-488-6678 or click this link to MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. If calling from out of state: 855-STA TALK (855-782-8255).