The following checklists represent signs and symptoms commonly associated with depression, anxiety, eating and substance abuse disorders. Additional self assessment questions are provided for interpersonal and family issues.
These checklists are not intended for diagnostic or treatment purposes, and are not a substitute for an assessment or advice from a licensed professional.
The purpose is to provide information only. If, after completing a checklist, you have concerns about your health or state of mind, you should consult a licensed healthcare provider to determine the exact nature of your problem or concern.
Check those items that describe the way you think, behave or feel most of the time.
Check those items that describe the way you feel most of the time.
If you checked any one or more of these items and have experienced it more often than not, you should have an assessment done by a professional.
Check those items that describe your behavior or how you feel most of the time.
If you experience any one or more of these items more often than not, you should seek a consultation by a professional.
Check those that apply.
If you have checked one or more items, you may be affected by a substance use problem and should seek an assessment with a professional.