L-Theanine: The relaxant that improves brain function, reduces anxiety and enhances cognitive abilities

L-Theanine (γ-glutamylethylamide), is an amino acid predominantly found in green tea. It has been shown to affect brain functions by relieving stress disorders, improving mood, and maintaining normal sleep. Many products enriched in L-theanine are available in the market today. However, the question remains whether L-Theanine really has any beneficial effect on the human body. [...]

Anxiety and Stress: What they really are and how to calm your nerves

Anxiety disorders are among some of the most debilitating and highly prevalent mental diseases worldwide. Although general stress and anxiety are common in everyday life, they can become a matter of concern very quickly. Both anxiety and stress affect the sympathetic nervous system. Upon activation, the sympathetic nervous system releases cortisol and adrenaline. Since adrenaline [...]

Sleep deprivation and its association with amplified negative emotions

No matter where you are or what you do, escaping those one or two sleepless nights may seem inevitable! In fact, a latest study claims that 1 in 3 people in the United States does not get proper sleep. Although you may not find it concerning, an extended period of sleep deprivation can have severely [...]

Preventing Isolation in a time of Social Distancing

 Loneliness During a Pandemic Over the past few months, we've heard the term 'social distancing' and the importance of keeping a 6-foot distance from others, to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. Many of us have practiced social distancing to keep ourselves, our families, and others safe. Some have had to adhere to social [...]

5 Steps for a Safe, Fun and Healthy Summer

We all want to have a healthy summer. If the novel coronavirus has reinforced anything, it’s the idea that there are things we can control, and things we can’t. While many eagerly await a vaccine or effective treatments, there are many actions you can take to strengthen your system’s defenses. We already know about the [...]

High Functioning Anxiety: The 10 Symptoms

Am I making progress in life or just trying to survive? This post is meant to bring your awareness to a type of anxiety that affects high achievers and people who push themselves beyond their limits. High-functioning anxiety is not considered a mental health diagnosis. This is because of those who experience it self-report being [...]

Taking Care of Ourselves

In today's society, people's identities are shaped by how many hours they work or how few days they take off. In this paradigm, we lose sight of what really matters... Taking care of ourselves. We live to work instead of work to live. Now.. take a moment & think to yourself, Why do I usually [...]

Panic Attack: Don’t Panic! It’s Just Panic

Those who have experienced a panic attack would undeniably agree that it is not something that one would ever like to re-experience.  Panic is very real, and when the whole experience is new and strange, it can be terrifying.  When it’s one's first panic attack, that appears to have ‘come out of nowhere’, it is [...]

This Valentine’s Day, Show Yourself Some Love

This February doesn’t have to be all about sappy cards, overpriced flowers or another excuse to eat candy.  This Valentine's Day, show yourself some love. If you’re like most people, you tend to put others’ needs ahead of your own and don’t pause to attend to your own. You may feel you don’t have the [...]

Mindfulness Exercises to Boost Brain Power

According to the recent article, A Mindful Brain, by writer Laura Vismara,  an extensive body of research, carried out over the course of the past twenty years and supported by the relatively recent introduction of refined brain scanning technologies, suggests that practicing mindfulness meditation or just having a more mindful approach toward life can produce discernible changes in [...]


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