Looking at a surprisingly high credit card balance, people wish for willpower. After eating that extra piece of cake, people wish for more control. After spending so much time on-line that work projects suffer, people wish for self control.  There are many situations in our daily lives that would benefit from willpower and self control.

There certainly are benefits to what we call willpower. Those who rate high get better grades in school, have higher self-esteem, more financial stability, better and longer lasting relationships, less substance abuse.  Psychology has been studying self control for the last 25 years. Unfortunately much of the information has not gotten out of the lab. If we can apply those principles from the lab, we can help people reach their goals.

Today, what we know about willpower and self control is growing. We know your control will decrease when you are tired. How often have you gone home after a long day at work to eat more than you intended? How often do you spend the evening in front of the TV instead of paying bills. Improving self control includes learning to plan for small energy bursts. Plan small, reasonable snacks when you know you are tired.  Or plan your toughest tasks when you are most refreshed. Other things that help willpower are meditation, exercise, monitoring and distraction strategies. Some people may need a coach to help them implement willpower strategies. Others seem able to do it with the support of family or friends. Organizations like AA or weight watchers help their members by providing a supportive community. Even someone looking to stop smoking can use the support of friends.

To learn more about willpower and self control, contact Specialized Therapy Associates at 201-488-6678 or check our website at www.specializedtherapy.com